Online shopping:
It is the process to buy goods or services directly from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the internet. It is a form of e-commerce (electronic commerce) where the sale or purchase transaction is completed electronically and interactively in real-time.
Online shopping is very helpful for the customers who want the services to suit their timing and avoid going to shop. This type of process is called Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online shopping. The best example is, and definitely we can not forget the example of home delivery by pizza and burger restaurants.
The reason for the rise in online shopping is due to many factors like convenience, time saving and checking the prices, products simultaneously online.
So if you want to book a table for your restaurant or sell your grocery online, the time has come to change your business style by making your website online.
The Australian market size, measured by revenue, of the online shopping sector is $43.9bn in 2021. It is anticipated that in USA alone, e-commerce sales are about to go beyond $750 billion by 2023.
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